Determining Astroskin Shirt size

In the Astroskin Shirt, cardiac and respiratory sensors are embedded at the chest and belly button level. The Shirt was designed to be snug fit as the sensors need to be close to the body to measure and collect good data quality. It is thus important to take the measurements at those specific locations in order to pick the proper Shirt size. 

Hexoskin Shirts come in different sizes for Men, Women, and Juniors:

Men: 2XS, XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL

Women: 2XS, XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL

To take your measurements properly, proceed as follows

Stand up straight, preferably in front of a full-length mirror, and take all measurements by applying the measuring tape directly against your body. Make sure the tape is parallel to the ground and keep your arms along your body as much as possible.

  1. Position a measuring tape around your rib cage, under your pectoral muscles
  2. Breathe out and note your Thorax measurement
  3. Repeat steps 1-2 at the level of your Navel**
  4. To determine your size please, refer to our sizing guide.

* For women, an additional measurement can be taken at chest level (i.e. fullest part of the chest)

If you were looking for Hexoskin, please visit our other page:  Hexoskin Sizing Guide.