This support article is meant to help you fill out the "Study Migration Form (OneView)".
The "Study Configuration Form (OneView)" includes five sections:
- Contact information
- Study general information
- Study protocol information
- Study Owner, Team Members, Groups & Subjects
- Additional information
This article provides a detailed explanation for each section of the form, guiding you on how to answer each question effectively.
Section 1: Contact information
- First and Last name: The person filling out the form can enter their first and last name.
- Email*: The person filling out the form can enter their email address.
Section 2: Study general information
- Garment Used*: Please choose the garment utilized in your study or project: Hexoskin or Astroskin. This selection will determine the OneView version applicable to your project-either Hexoskin OneView or Astroskin OneView. Note that both garment models cannot be used simultaneously on the same OneView dashboard.
- Study Name*: Enter the full name of your study or project.
- Study UUID*: Enter a unique identifier for your study or project. We suggest separating each element with an underscore (e.g.: HS_123). The UUID is something that cannot be modified once your study is created.
- Study Description*: Enter a 2 or 3 sentences description of your study or project. We suggest to include the goal of your study as well as the studied population.
- Time Zone*: Select the primary time zone for your study. This will serve as the reference time zone for the study team on the OneView dashboard. Each subject can also have their individual time zone recorded in OneView. You can choose to display their data in their local time zone or in the reference time zone.
Section 3: Study protocol information
This section should be completed only if you wish to include your protocol or planning in the OneView platform. Including your protocol allows you to monitor your subjects' compliance with the defined guidelines. Additionally, it provides access to a calendar view of the tasks your subjects need to complete throughout the study, helping you track their progress. If desired, participants can also use our mobile application to follow their protocol.
The protocol entered in the OneView dashboard can include three types of tasks: Hexoskin or Astroskin-specific activities (e.g., Sleep, Rest, Running, Work), manual entries (e.g., temperature, SpO2, Spirometry, Weight, Height), and questionnaires.
Please specify the days on which each task should be completed. For example, you can select specific days (e.g., Days 7, 14, and 21 of the protocol) and even define a specific time range for task completion.
If certain tasks do not need to be performed on specific days, you can simply indicate a frequency, such as "Complete a Run activity three times per week for four weeks."
- Study protocol: You can write your protocol here.
- File Study Protocol: You can upload here a document including your detailed protocol.
- Protocol Duration*: Enter the duration of your protocol per participant (in days). If you don't have a protocol, please just enter "0".
Section 4: Study Owner, Team Members, Groups & Subjects

- Study Owner: Enter the Hexoskin account username (email address) of the person who will be the study owner for your study or project. Each study can only have one owner. This person can add and remove team members from the study. This role can only be assigned by the Hexoskin team.
- Study Team Member(s): Enter the username of the Hexoskin / Astroskin account(s) you want to be added as study team members. Only the study team members can access the OneView dashboard.
- Study Groups: Please enter the groups that will be used in your study. For example, you might have 1) Control and 2) Intervention groups. It’s important to note that you can only have one type of group in your study—whether that’s multiple sites, multiple interventions, or cohorts. You cannot combine different types of groups, such as sites and cohorts, within the same study. At least one group is required.
- Study Subjects: Enter the username of the Hexoskin / Astroskin account(s) you want to be added as subjects to your study. All the records from these accounts will then be migrated to your OneView study. It's important to mention the group assignation of each participant.
Section 5: Additional information
- Additional information: Feel free to enter any additional information here.
If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to contact our support team at