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Uninstalling HxServices from Mac

This article explains in detail how to uninstall HxServices from your Mac. Once you have uninstalled HxServices, we strongly encourage you to migrate to Hexoskin OneSync.

To completely uninstall HxServices from your Mac, you need to:

  1. Open your Applications folder in Finder
  2. Right-click on HxServices, then select “Move to Trash”
  3. Open your Trash folder
  4. Right-click on HxServices, then select “Delete immediately...” - The icon of HxServices should disappear from your Launchpad  

Please be informed that HxServices has already reached the end of its support lifecycle. While some users may still be utilizing it, we strongly encourage you to migrate to Hexoskin OneSync for a more reliable and supported solution.   


Keywords: permanently remove, erase, sync software, computer, troubleshoot, uninstall