Calibrating Hexoskin Ventilation Data Using a Spirometer

This article presents the calibration method for processed ventilation data reported by Hexoskin. This calibration improves the accuracy of ventilation data.

The general idea behind this calibration method is to define a user-specific calibration coefficient by comparing the data obtained with Hexoskin with that of a reference device such as a spirometer.

The method presented in this article can only be applied to processed ventilation data ("Tidal Volume" and "Minute Ventilation").

Calibration Method

To perform a calibration, take a deep breath and measure the amplitude of an inspiration with a reference device such as a spirometer while wearing and recording data with your Hexoskin. 

It's important to be able to easily identify the inspiration used for calibration. It is suggested to deliberately take a very deep breath at the start of your recording so that it can be easily identified in your data.  

For the same inspiration, compare the Tidal Volume value reported by Hexoskin with that reported by the spirometer to define a calibration coefficient.

calibration_coefficient = tidal_volume_spirometer / tidal_volume_hexoskin

Once the calibration coefficient has been calculated, the calibrated ventilation data are obtained as follows:

tidal_volume_calibrated = tidal_volume * calibration_coefficient


minute_ventilation_calibrated = minute_ventilation * calibration_coefficient


Tip: To improve the precision of the calibration, the calibration coefficient can be calculated based on multiple inspirations and then averaged together.

Important: For the calibration to be relevant, it must be repeated each time an individual puts on the Hexoskin shirt again.


If you have any questions regarding the calibration of Hexoskin ventilation data, please contact