Whenever you download your data in binary format from your Hexoskin Dashboard, you will have access to files in .cvs format. If you open one of these files, you will see several columns. The first column “time [s]” corresponds to the elapsed time since the beginning of your record/activity.
To find the start date and time of your record/activity, open the "info.json" file, the start date and time are indicated under "start_date". Please note that this "start_date" is indicated in the GMT time zone. In the example below, the "start_date" is 2017-05-17 4:51:34 GMT.
The start time and date of your record/activity is also, indicated under "start" in Unix (or POSIX) epoch time format, which corresponds to the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1st, 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT.
In this example, the start time is 382719153664.
To convert this start time into normal time, you need to divide the start time by 256 to calculate the number of epochs (i.e. 382719153664/256 = 1494996694) then you can convert the resulting number into an epoch & unix converter. It should give you 1494996694 = Wednesday, May 17, 2017, 4:51:34 AM in the GMT time zone.

Depending on the time zone set by your internet browser, epoch & unix converter will also show the conversion for your time zone. In this case, as our offices are located in Montreal, Canada, it will show Wednesday, May 17, 2017 12:51:34 AM in the EST time zone.
For more explanations, please refer to this documentation.
However, if you are using the HxConvertSourceFile software (see below) to download your data in the binary format, the time format will be in seconds by default. However, you can check the box "Save in Posix epoch time (seconds since 1 January 1970)" to have your time converted to epoch directly (therefore no need to divide by 256). This way, the data now in the time column can simply be plugged into the epoch & unix converter to give you the start date and time of the record.