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How do I assign a Hexoskin Device to an account?

IIf your Hexoskin Device is not assigned to a user, you will not be able to make any recordings. By assigning a user’s account to a Hexoskin Device, the Hexoskin servers will then be able to link the recorded data to a specific account, allowing you to retrieve your data whenever you log in to your Hexoskin Dashboard.  

Note: For researchers who are managing multiple user accounts, make sure to read this article - Managing Multiple Users for a Research Project. 

  To assign the Hexoskin Device to a user, you need to:

  1. To assign the Hexoskin Device to a user, you need to:

  2. Download Hexoskin OneSync (if not done yet, go to to download the software compatible with your operating system, under the "SYNC SOFTWARE" section or click on these download links: Hexoskin OneSync for MacOs or Hexoskin OneSync for Windows)
  3. Launch Hexoskin OneSync
  4. Sign in with your Hexoskin Account
  5. Connect your Hexoskin Device to your computer with the provided USB cable
  6. Select your Device
  7. Click on the "Assign" menu
  8. Select the user's account of your choosing from the list (on the right side)

GIF - OneSync - Assign multi users cropped-gif


Before creating a record, it's crucial to assign a user to your device. Otherwise, your record won't be saved.