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How do I wash my Hexoskin Shirt?

Before washing, you must first unplug and remove the Hexoskin Device. The Hexoskin Shirts are machine washable, but the recording Devices are not! Then, put the connector back into the Side Pocket to protect it. Use the Delicate cycle with cold water. Use half the dose recommended by the detergent manufacturer in order to avoid soap residues. Do not use softener or bleach products. Softeners are known to add a waxy film over the fabric and thus will affect the fabric performance by decreasing the moisture-wicking power of the Hexoskin Shirt over time. Bleach products will damage the threads, and degrade the fabric. Avoid hand washing the Shirt as twisting and/or wringing can damage the electronic components embedded in the Shirt. 

Then, simply hang it to dry. The Hexoskin Shirts do not go in the dryer as the heat can heavily damage the fabric and electronic components. To avoid odours, refrain from storing your Hexoskin Shirt in a plastic bag or other sealed containers. Do not iron.