Record session not syncing - Failed syncing

It is possible that whenever you try to sync your recording sessions you get the error message "Failed Syncing". If you click on the exclamation point, you should see this message popping up: "Records may not overlap with an existing Record for the same user and same source."

This means that you have 2 records that overlap in time. The overlap happened because you have at least 2 Devices (or more) that were used to make records at the same time and the Devices that were used were assigned to the same account.

The rule of thumb is that for a recording session, each and all of the Hexoskin users have to have their own Hexoskin account and a Hexoskin Device assigned to their personal account.

This is very important as the demographic information provided upon account creation is essential for the calculation of different metrics on the Hexoskin servers. Synchronizing data from multiple users in the same account can lead to inaccurate metrics. 

To solve this issue, please contact our Support Team at by providing your logs so we will be able to better help you. To retrieve and send us your logs, please refer to this link.

It's important to follow some specific steps to prevent future overlaps:

  1. Make sure that each Hexoskin user have their own account
  2. If the recording Device is shared with different users (e.g. Device used by user # 1 is loaned to user # 2), make sure the recording Device is assigned to the correct account/user before starting a recording session (e.g. the Device must now be assigned to user # 2). If you omit this step, the new recording session will end up in the previous user's account.

If you are using Hexoskin in the research or project setting, learn how to create the accounts for your participants by following the procedure described in the following link.